About Blog

     This Blog will consist of an explanation of how black women are shown and perceived in TV and Film and how it often poorly affects the daily lives of other black women. To start this post off I am asking any readers to name 5 movies with a female black lead that is not a slave, civil rights leader, stripper, singer, drug dealer, or any other stereotypical role that seems to be the only thing Hollywood can spit out for women of color. Or even name one show, just one where the female black lead is not a struggling single mom trying to make ends meet. While some of these shows and movies have shaped, molded, and encouraged other black women to be successful it has only fed into the stereotype. These movies play a part in the way society views black women. Because of these "entertainment" sources black women are expected to be strong, fearless, protectors, to show no emotion, and to care for everyone  but themselves. Another way Black women are shown poorly in films are the way the characters are always stereotyped as anger, ghetto, loud, and uneducated. These shows and movies make the woman look like the villan and the bully when she is simply expressing herself and her anger. A Black woman is not bitter or aggressive because she raises her voice, or uses her hands to speak. Even in movies and TV shows with mainly white casts that include the "token" black friend, it is getting old having the "wild, party girl" black best friend, these stereotypes keep black women's characters in a box and hassle them from growing and prospering in the real world.   I am not saying that these roles should be completely thrown away but I wouldn't mind seeing a black woman super hero, multi-millionaire, magician, CEO, etc. Hollywood needs to work on better women of color representation. 


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